Tuesday, March 10, 2009

detox FAIL


after a long day, i decided to reward myself with a dirty martini or two. after i poured the second one, there was only a tiny little swish of vodka left in the bottle, so i made it a slightly larger-than-usual one. really, it was probably more like two and a half dirty martinii.

i won't even discuss the weird sludge that i noticed in the glass when i was starting the second one (is it possible for a dirty martini to curdle?).

as a coworker reminded me this morning (when i was complaining. bitterly.), i did not really drink any water all day yesterday, which probably contributed to the state i currently find myself in.

i knew i was hung over when i heard myself think, "that looks really good".

and now, semi-relatedly, one of my favorite videos from failblog (you don't need sound to appreciate it):

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