Thursday, April 27, 2006

everything i know about life i learned while unemployed

1. dr. phil is on at 3, but it's never as good as the previews lead you to believe it will be.
2. ramen is cheapest at the rite-aid by worldwide plaza (5/$1!)
3. it's way easier than you think to sleep until 1:00.
4. apparently, no one else in new york has a job either.
5. you can't actually afford booze.
6. i guess that's it. my brain is pretty mushy by now.

but, as previously mentioned, i have landed myself a job. yeah, i fooled 'em into thinking that i have some sort of marketable skill. in keeping with my policy of not putting identifying information up here, i can't tell you what the job is or what the company is, but i will say this: i'm AWESOME.

but even AWESOMER than AWESOME is the TOTALLY WICKED SWEET job maggie has officially locked down as of today. if you see her, be sure to give her a congratulatory high-five/bum-squeeze.

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