Saturday, April 08, 2006

transitional moment

on wednesday, i quit my job.

last night, i was called a psycho for the second time that i can remember.

it seems i've reached a point of decision, and i should probably change my ways. so, here goes. my promises to the world, with you fine people as my witnesses:

from now on, i vow to behave in a way that is generally... more sane. this includes, but may not be limited to:

1. drinking less
2. cutting back on embarrassing drunken text messaging
3. (with some overlap with #2) removing all exes from my cell phone directory
4. swearing less
5. no more lying for sport

man, sanity really takes the fun out of living.

and, what the hell, while i'm at it:

6. cutting back on dairy, meat, and refined carbs
7. being more diligent about my fitness routine
8. getting to bed at a reasonable hour

obviously, these rules aren't hard and fast. so, when you hear me lie to my mom on the phone about what time i got home last night, or let out a string of expletives when i stub my toe, no need to call me out on it. also, obviously, "dairy" does not include cheese.

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