Monday, March 05, 2007

beef jeans

humungoid thanks to everyone who made it out to my show this weekend - maggie, posh, tommy, Cousin Leah, the wife, melissita, shabecqua and matt, commando and friend, and special guest the lawyer, who made it all the way down from bo-town just for my show (or so i've decided to believe)!! (did i forget anyone? i hope not, but if so, you know i lurve you too) :)

seriously, seeing all of you there (after the show, outside - because i couldn't see a motherfucking thing with those lights in my eyes) was the most wonderful thing i've experienced in a long time, and i really do appreciate it. you are the best, most supportive friends a lady like me could ask for. and just knowing you were there eased my RICIDULOUSLY INTENSE nerves (seriously, this was the most jacked-up and nervous i've been since my road test (which is a story for another time)).

if you missed the show and are curious - or if you were there and just can't get enough - my classmate jesse has posted video clips and pictures from the show on his myspace blog. sadly, there are very few shots/vids from my team (BEEF JEANS REPRESENT!!), and those that are there aren't the best quality, but it might be a good way to kill a few minutes while you're putting off doing actual work. incidentally, if you or your loved ones happened to take any pictures, pretty please send them my way.

and now, back to your regularly scheduled snark.

1 comment:

leah said...

you were hilarious! seriously the best student show i've seen...and i've seen a lot of student shows.

cousin leah