Wednesday, January 04, 2006

and to all a happy new year

a number of you have asked what i did on new year's eve. well, although i had a fabulous time, i didn't come away with any really interesting stories. i was going to make one up, but a terminal combination of laziness and complete lack of imagination has thwarted me once again. suffice it to say, booze was consumed, onlookers were scandalized, tickets were scalped, bathrooms were barfed in (not by me, for the record), and balls were dropped. fun times were had by all, or so we hypothesize based our scattered, hazy memories.

the other question i've been fielding is whether i've made any new year's resolutions this year. as i live by the theory that setting low or no expectations is the only way to live (at 22, yes, i am a bitter, cynical old hag), i mostly haven't. except that i sort of have, but nothing beyond the usual meat loaf of drink less, eat better, exercise harder and sleep more. all moderately attainable, if you're a person of self-respect and discipline.....

hey, where'd my dozen donuts go?

as for the brief 2005 recap, here it comes.

things i did in the past 12 months:

- graduated from an arguably decent college
- made all the necessary preparations to apply to grad school
- vowed never to apply to grad school
- consumed enough alcohol to poison an entire cattle farm, or two
- eaten hundreds of burritos and thousands of eels
- found myself adrift in a sea of "adulthood", including a fantastic thing i've discovered called Independence

and, down here, i was going to put a list of things i plan to do in the next 12 months, but i, um... prefer to let you use your imagination. yeah. that's right.

happy new year, bitches.

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