Tuesday, January 31, 2006

funny lookin'?

last night, the wife and i had finished up our standard romantic dinner and were all in our pj's and getting ready to snuggle into bed, when my phone rang. it was my dear cousineighbor, calling to suggest that i accompany her to an improv show at her home away from home, the upright citizens brigade theatre (they spell it all britishy because they're snobby and dyslexic). i looked at my watch. it was already after 9 and creeping towards my 10:00 bedtime.

"fuck it," i said, and went.

it was really fun. the performers were writers for snl and the daily show, which made me feel cool by osmosis. and i had a great excuse to skip my run this morning.


julie said...

ARE YOU FUCKING DRUNK?! you went to ONE show there, and it wasn't even a show, it was a "class performance". you have NO idea what you're talking about, and there are tens of thousands of people who would rip off your nads and shove them down your throat if they heard you say that.

julie said...

yes, if by "completely right" you mean "dead fucking wrong".


also, she sometimes reads this blog, so, smooth move, casanova.