Monday, January 09, 2006

oh... are you still here?

whoopsie. took a little hiatus there. hiya. didja miss me?

i thought so.

what's the story? don't even ask.

anyhoo, i'm back at the helm of this fine "publication", and of my life. as it were. in the time since you last heard from me, i have

- seen match point: very good. not one, but two smoldering hot dudes. recommend it highly
- seen broken flowers: very disappointing. recommend it if you like slow, pointless movies that could have been fabulous but are executed terribly. shame on you, jim jarmusch.
- spun some magic with the wife in the kitchen, in the form of at least three to-die-for recipes
- spied natalie portman at lower east side acid trip Happy Ending
- re-watched stay tuned (john ritter's finest work), as should you
- treated myself to some killer sky-high stack-heeled brown knee boots. they have buckles on them that unfortunately jingle when i walk around my too-quiet office
- treated myself to some designer jeans of questionable authenticity
- had an acute craving for tasti d-lite. ok, so that one is actually happening right now

incoherent babble to come later. it's good to be back.

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