Wednesday, February 14, 2007

pretty slick

maybe you're wondering what could have drawn me out of my "i love new york"-and-miso coma and compelled me to blog again. i've got one word for you: bitching.

i'm not just going to bitch about the 100% ridic coldness going on today. that's pretty friggin' unoriginal. no, i'm going to bitch about other aspects of the weather. that's right. the flippin' freezing rain that assaulted me on my way to work today.

normally, i love that i live within easy walking distance of my office. but "easy" is relative, and when you feel like your body is being used for target practice by an army of angry Littles with tiny (but precious!) BB guns for fifteen minutes, that walk starts to seem awfully long.

but i'm tough, and i'm from colder climes, and it wouldn't have been so bad, if i hadn't been SALTED. TWICE. while just trotting down the sidewalk and minding my own unsalty business. have you seen those guys? they push what look like itty bitty wheelbarrows down the sidewalk and you don't realize until it's too late that they fire rocket-propelled balls of salt at the ankles of passerby. i guess they're trying to do a public service and melt the little icicles that were forming inside my shoes, but that really did nothing for the shellacking of ice i wore as a hat when i showed up at my office. late.


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