Monday, February 26, 2007

this is a wee bit effed up

apparently, al sharpton's ancestors were owned by strom thurmond's. but the really upsetting thing about this is that all i can think about is that episode of family guy - you know, the one where peter finds out he has a black ancestor who was owned by lois's ancestors. you know the one i'm talking about.

to be fair, this was a fantastic episode - in which stewie also convinces O.J. to do something about his cheating wife, and dennis miller goes on a rant, and peter turns the house into peewee's playhouse, and quagmire, upon finding a bound and gagged high school cheerleader in the bathroom, blurts out, "dear diary... JACKPOT."
I don't wanna go on a rant here, but America's foreign policy makes about as much sense as Beowolf having sex with Robert Fulton at the first Battle of Antietam. I mean, when a neo-conservative defenstrates, it's like Raskolnikov filibuster deoxymonohydroxinate.
come on, you loved it.


Unknown said...

Are we sure it isn't "Al Sharpton's ancestor owned by young Strom Thurmond"? That guy was REALLY OLD.

julie said...
