Wednesday, February 28, 2007

missed tuesday makeup

my deepest (but not humble in the least) apologies for my nonblogginess yesterday. you see, i spent most of the day under my desk in the fetal position, rocking back and forth and trembling. today is much better -- i've had more caffeine.

aaaaaaaaaanyhoo, today, i thought you'd enjoy an inside peek into midtown mayhem. you see, i know this is the sort of thing that bloggy geeks aren't supposed to talk about, but i hate being told what to do and enjoy being destructive, so i'm going to let you in on a little secret: i have a fancy schmancy tracker that tells me how many people load my blog and where. don't worry, it doesn't give me enough specifics to know who you are or where specifically, but it's enough to get a feel for where in the world my faithful readers live. it also has a nifty feature that tells me which search words lead people here.

which brings me to my question: why in the world are so many of you looking for mean bitches? perhaps you remember a post i did a while back, wherein i re-posted an old ym quiz that claimed to ascertain whether or not you are, in fact, a mean girl. naively, i titled my post mean bitches. apparently, this is also the name of a rather popular bondage porn site. so popular, in fact, that, out of the last 100 visitors to midtown mayhem, 19 were led here by searching for "mean bitches". that's a pretty solid percentage (almost 20%!).

not only that, but this is the most cosmopolitan group of readers i've ever had! it includes perverts from new york, austria, LA, italy, mexico, arkansas, canada, romania, china, UK, arizona, germany, and some magical sounding place called "rochester". (oooooooooooohhh).

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