Tuesday, February 20, 2007

seriously? come *on*.

a plea to the public, or whoever is in charge of stuff:

give me the kids. for real. i mean, ok, yeah, maybe i would get them a little drunk from time to time, or slip em a xanax when they just. won't. go. to sleep, but i'm pretty sure - no, i am positive - that i would make a better parent than either of these two assclowns. a couple of tequila shots at naptime is nothing compared to what they're used to by now.

maybe one of you can start an online petition or something.


leah said...

you're back!! i would have expected at least a postcard notifying me of this. ps you should really link me on the side of your blog. you can even shorten the name...i give you creative license. but not too much license.

julie said...

OMG i totally meant to and thought i did. ah well, all is fixed now.

leah said...
