well, i guess i'm being punished for my delight at the misfortune of others. the truly unspeakable has finally happened.
i can hardly bring myself to type it out in words.
johnny. damon. has. gone. to. the. dark. side.
yes, it's true. the erstwhile love of my life, my knight in shining armor, the caveman messiah of the boston red sox, has turned around and flipped a big, hairy bird to all of us. he's rammed a knife... no, a machete - no, a car - deep into the back of me and every other boston-born, sox-loving soul. he has signed with the evil empire, the damn yankees. he is dead to me.
so forgive me if my jokes are never funny again, if i can't stop crying, and if i can no longer find purpose in life. there are many kinds of betrayal i can handle. this, however, is above and beyond anything for which i could ever have prepared myself. i am awash in a sea of sadness.
Ummm, I think you're hitching your mental health wagon a little too tightly to professional sports.
mr. coward, your profile doesn't say where you're from, but i'm going to go out on a limb here and guess it's not boston. i don't expect you to understand.
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