for those of you who live outside new york or with your head buried under a boulder in jersey, the mta has gone on strike. that's right, there are no subways or buses operating in manhattan. and i seem to be the only one who finds this totally AWESOME.
maybe it's because i usually walk to work anyway. maybe it's because i'm a sadistic asshole. i can't really say for sure. but i'm completely pumped about this strike. most people are running around, all panicked, bitching and yelping and tearing their hair out. everybody's mad at someone for it, but at all different people. a lot of people seem to be siding with the workers, because they seem like the poor, oppressed underdogs who just can't catch a break. i was hesitant to take sides until i heard that they already make more money than i do and want to retire at 50 with full pay. fuck you, union. no one has a retirement package like that, and for good reason.

but i also can't really support the evil city government, because i generally hate them anyway. so instead, i'm sitting back, gleefully rubbing my hands together and wondering where this will lead.
mostly, though, i am so totally stoked because this just feels like a really exciting thing to happen. the first transit strike in 25 years! shit is getting cancelled, weird rules are swinging into effect, and it generally feels like a snow day, or when you're a kid and the power goes out and you get to play with fire. knowing how fucking unbelievably convenient our location is, some friends have already started asking if they can crash at our place. last night, maggie came over and it was like a pajama party (yes, naked pillow fighting and all). tonight, i imagine, will be an orgy.
speaking of orgies, gawker has found a bunch of craigslist items that point to a phenomenon even i wasn't prepared for: transit strike sex. apparently, it's a thing. which leads me to wonder, will there be a transit-strike baby boom? i can say in complete sincerity, i sure as hell hope so.
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