Wednesday, December 14, 2005

a glimpse into my history/pathology

so, as you've probably figured out by now, i don't have the most forceful moral compass around. i don't really give to charity, i support large, evil corporations, and i sometimes kick homeless people. but even i think you should excuse yourself to the boys' room when you want to snort coke while substitute-teaching seventh graders. anyway, when i read this article about Terry John Kappila, 45, substitute teacher and ardent fan of the bolivian marching powder, i naturally sent it on to cowboy willy, ex-boyfriend who is currently working as a (presumably irresponsible) substitute teacher. here is the e-mail exchange that followed:
cw: Come on. I'm not going to do anything but drink in class. And Blue Sunday shots make your breath fresher, not your ability to teach impaired.

me: you're still drinking mouthwash, aren't you...

cw: I have a bottle of it right here. And I discovered something incredible about it just recently - every bottle of mouthwash comes with a shotglass built right into the top!

so there you have it, folks. one of the many reasons i don't date anymore.

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