poshua and i set out sunday morning to retrieve our zipcar from brooklyn (another borough i can now cross off my list). we drove down to atlantic city (side note: satellite radio KICKS ASS) and checked into our very down-the-rabbit-hole room in the uber-tacky trump marina. we explored two casinos that night and worked out a sensible system: as i am not much of a gambler, but the poshster is, i agreed to take his free drinks off his hands so that he could keep his wits about him while he effectively robbed the casino blind. over the course of our time at the borgata (casino #2), i was carded an unprecednted three times. the third time, it was by a smug casino security dude who lurked behind me for about a minute before he even asked for my ID.
casino dude: "may i see your id?"and that's the story of how i ended up with a stamp on my hand and, later, after falling asleep at midnight, with the same stamp ALL OVER MY FACE. thanks, casino dude. thanks a lot.
me: "ummm... ok, i guess." (fishes id out of purse and hands it over)
me: (exasperated, as this is the third time i have been carded) "do i look underage?"
casino dude: "you look about seventeen."
poshua: "she's a year older than me."
me: "yeah, you should card him. he's only sixteen."
casino dude: "he's in action. i don't see anything. do you want a hand stamp? 'cause otherwise you're going to get carded all night."
me: "ummm... i don't really think i need--"
casino dude: "yeah, you do. hold on, i'll get you one."
(also, i really liked that nice touch of his forthrightness about not wanting to card someone who was gambling - casinos really are havens of morality)
anyway, aside from losing too much money to video poker and getting god-only-knows-where-it's-been ink all over my face, the trip was super fun. i particularly enjoyed when posh and i got to pretend to be newlyweds for the benefit of some weirdos who were trying to sell us something (exactly what it was is still unclear). yesterday, we lunched down by the boardwalk and swung by philly for some quality Monkey time before heading home. the highlight of the return trip was definitely when i was approached by an orthodox jewish dude on the subway. he gave me a menorah and hanukkah candles (despite my repeated protests) and tried to give me a hanukkah donut. but that's where i drew the line. it was weird.
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