Wednesday, December 07, 2005

this guy is funnier and more articulate than i am

patsy found the article. it's pretty awesome. but, for those of you (most of you) who don't really "read much", here are my two favorite bits:
I get that I live in a Christian nation. And I'm fine with it. I like you guys. I think it's adorable that you ring giant, white pipe cleaners around streetlights and make everything taste like peppermint and thought the world was going to end when the calendar went to three zeros in a row. It's like living with children.
So please, go nuts with your celebration, with your lying to children about where presents come from and your beverages made from raw eggs and your desperate use of greenery to get women to kiss you.
hahaha... goyim.


Ticonderoga2000 said...

Beats living in the Middle East.

julie said...

oh sure, especially now that new york city has camels too.