Saturday, November 12, 2005

digitizer does d.c.

it's like debbie does dallas, only with less actual sex and more drunken frat boys trying to figure out how to get it.

so far, the weekend has been a screaming success (with about a 30-minute-or-so interval of not-so-hot-ness), and i am developing a real fondness for our nation's capital. ironically, i have never felt more like a new yorker. in this little pocket of southern-influenced northernness, i realized that i have adopted the New York Walk, which is to say that i stride quickly and loudly, importantly and angrily, as if i actually had somewhere to be (i don't).

you will also be proud to hear that i seem to have cultivated something akin to a sense of direction. i navigated parts of the city all by myself (following very specific, step-by-step directions) and didn't get lost!

all told, i have learned a lot thus far in my one day here. e.g., you might think drinking an absurd amount of tequila will help you deal better with awkward situations. in fact, drinking so much that you see six aylas will only make you blurt out things like, "THIS IS SO AWKWARD!" very loudly, within easy earshot of the enawkwarder.

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