Wednesday, November 23, 2005

last night...

we really hammered home the lesson of last week; specifically, i am good at cooking, but suck at life. we had quite the crowd, with a special guest appearance by M&M, the dynamic duo infamous for their shared neuroses and slap-fights. everything went swimmingly, in my opinion, until i reached into a cabinet for a teacup and came out with a 3-inch piece of glass embedded in my hand. ah well, the burns and slices of last week were almost healed up anyway; it was time for a new battle wound.

in case you're curious, last night featured a chinese theme: shrimp crackers, chicken stir-fry with some spectacular veggies bought in chinatown (chinese eggplant, snow peas, bok choy, bean sprouts, and more), fortune cookies (because we're cute like that) and some phenomenal raspberry-oatmeal bars about which i am still fantasizing. poshua brought a delightful riesling. the m's brought succulent chocolate chip cookies. general merriment was had by all.

we soothed our post-dinner food coma with an arrested development mini-marathon. did i mention we got netflix? did i mention i LOVE netflix?

and on an unrelated note, i hope you all enjoy thankgiving. send me your amusing family/turkey stories, and if they amuse me enough, i just might post them.

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