Wednesday, November 16, 2005

a fun little toy

this is a little quiz that tells you when you'll die. it's fun! and it taught me two interesting things:

1) i'm going to live to be 96.3 years old! and

2) i'm an alcoholic!

6. Alcohol consumption per week/day

Alcohol, consumed in the amount that you have indicated, can be toxic to your liver and your nervous system. For some, amounts such as this could mean you are addicted to alcohol. Ask yourself the following 4 questions, known as the CAGE questions: 1. Have you tried to CUT down on your drinking? 2. Are you ANNOYED with criticisms about drinking? 3. Do you sometimes feel GUILTY about drinking? And 4. Do you sometimes drink alcohol in the morning or as an "EYE-OPENER"? If you answer "yes" to at least 2 of these questions, there is a 75% chance that you are addicted to alcohol. On the other hand, if you answer yes to just one question or to none of them, there is a 96% chance that you are not. Having a problem with alcohol will shorten your health span and will certainly decrease your quality of life. Seeking assistance and treatment is critical.

Facts: Excessive alcohol is a toxin, which damages the liver and the mitochondria within most cells of the body. This leads to acceleration of aging and increased susceptibility to many diseases associated with aging. Moderate alcohol consumption has been associated with decreased heart disease risk. This may be one explanation for the "French paradox", in which the French are known for their love of high saturated fat foods, and yet their heart disease risks may be lower (except in the case of those who smoke cigarettes), perhaps because of the higher consumption of wine in that country. Refer to Alcoholics Anonymous [].
hey, i'm doing it for the kids. and where the hell's my martini? it's acolicious, aand im'' not dpgrunkl, sssos top looasking at me liike taht,

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