Wednesday, November 16, 2005

do your part: mail a banana to fox

you may be wondering why i have been dressing all in black lately. or why i was crying in the elevator yesterday. the latter was partly because of my boss, but the former is entirely because arrested development, the greatest invention of my lifetime (yes, even better than when al gore invented the internet), was... was... ugh, this is so hard. cancelled. i blame bush. rebecca dana of the new york observer blames everybody else.

anyway, as it turns out, this may not be the end. there is hope for those among us who will long for the subtle humor of the show's writers, the honeyed timbre of ron howard's luscious voice, and the chiseled physiques of uber-crushes jason bateman and will arnett, and for those who, um, want to be lucille bluth when we grow up. apparently, some truly dedicated (and truly awesome) fans are petitioning to keep the show on the air:

One group of fans has gathered a few thousand signatures to a stolidly worded online petition (“Whereas, the first season of Arrested Development was nominated for seven 2004 Emmy awards and won five … ”). Another is planning a mass banana-mailing, in reference to the Bluth family’s frozen banana stand, to Fox headquarters in Los Angeles as an expression of dismay. “They did the same thing last year,” said a network spokesperson.
so get out there, kids! clear out the produce aisle of fairway! make friends with the fruit guy on the corner! those bananas will be nice and ripe by the time they make it to hollywood! and remember: there's always money in the banana stand...

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