Tuesday, November 08, 2005

in case you were wondering what's so great about the onion

i bestow upon you the highlights from the most recent edition:

Unfazed Karl Rove Leaks Valerie Plame's Age, Weight

'Scooter' Libby Wishes He'd Ditched Nickname Before Media Coverage

New Custard Could Cause Worldwide Flandemic

Iraqi Constitution Ratified, Burned

and i highly - highly - recommend you check out the "american voices" section, which is reliably the best part and (oh joy unbounded!) gets updated every day.

last but not least, i am not sure how i feel about this new gun lawsuit legislation. because bush agrees with it, i tend to think it's stupid, but i'm not sure yet. in any case, the onion's take on it is priceless. enjoy:

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